Allocation History

The Local Plan, adopted in December 2015 for the period 2006-2026, allocated land north and south of the A458 for the provision of new housing, employment and the relocation of the livestock market.

The Tasley Gateway scheme will seek to follow the principles of the Local Plan allocation as below, but with improvements to reflect the changing world we live in.

SAMDev 2006-2026

Land north of Wenlock Road, Tasley

Development Guidelines

Mixed development of dwellings; retirement or supported housing accommodation; hotel; recreation space and neighbourhood centre comprising local facilities such as a petrol station with small convenience store, day care, health & fitness facilities (this is subject to the relocation of the livestock market and provision of a fully serviced business and industrial estate on sites ELR011b and ELR011a respectively).
Provision: 200 Dwellings, 6.3Ha for other uses

Land north of Church Lane, Tasley

Development Guidelines

Residential development, subject to the provision of public open space that extends the environmental network and provision of direct access to a new roundabout on the A458 and the protection of Church Lane as a quiet lane shared with pedestrians.
Provision:  300 Dwellings

Land at Tasley south of the A458 Bypass

Development Guidelines

Development to deliver a business park comprising offices, industrial and warehousing uses (use classes B1, B2, B8 and appropriate sui generis uses) subject to access by means of a new roundabout on the A458 and adequate landscaping.
Provision:  6.7Ha (net of landscaping)

Land at Tasley south of  A458  at Tasley

Development Guidelines

Allocated for the relocation of the existing livestock market together with its existing or alternative ancillary uses only. Suitable landscaping and woodland planting will be provided along the site's edge.
Provision:  6.6Ha (net of landscaping)
