Landscape Strategy & Green Infrastructure

The site is currently located within an existing robust green infrastructure with the proposed development providing clear opportunities for the enhancement of these features. The development includes a number of green corridors which provide both movement routes and habitat connectivity to these wider assets. 

The establishment of a wide variety of habitats and landscape features aims to increase the biodiversity within the site. 

The Key Landscape Objectives

  • The retention and enhancement of the existing vegetation structure associated with the site boundaries and mature field trees.
  • To deliver a high quality, sustainable development which reflects the scale, layout and pattern of the adjacent urban fabric and which is appropriate to its setting;
  • The scheme aims to be visually attractive, respecting the context, form and type of existing built form and building styles evident within the locality especially with regards to the setting of the employment sector, which will seek to retain an agricultural and rural atmosphere.
  • The creation of a robust and appropriate development edge which provides a sensitive transition between the proposed development and the wider countryside setting both to the west;
  • An integrated network of public open space with strong pedestrian and cycle links will form part of a strong over-arching green infrastructure.
  • New landscaping will form part of a set of comprehensive proposals to retain and further add to the existing green infrastructure including groups of parkland trees, structural planting and wildflower meadows.
  • The role of sustainable urban drainage system (SUD’s) for drainage engineering, and also for the sense of place and visual amenity that this brings to the site’s green infrastructure.
  • Creation of ecologically valuable corridors to existing and proposed field boundaries through creation of species rich margins and woodland edge, where appropriate.
  • Street tree planting within the residential area to break up the appearance of urban development, and within areas of proposed open space to increase level of tree cover generally within the site.